Renew your Membership

Please fill in the form below to renew your membership. You will be taken to PayPal to make a payment of £10.60 (you do not need an account to do so. Alternatively, you can print off a form HERE and post it to the Membership Secretary (details on form).

    We would like to send you information about the Club and its activities from time to time by post, telephone and email. If you agree to being contacted in this way please tick the relevant boxes below.
    We will not share your information with any outside organisations or companies.

    Upon clicking submit you will be taken to PayPal's website to proceed with payment, either with your PayPal account or as a guest.

    By clicking submit you are confirming that you will undertake to accept the rules and regulations of the Club and accept the terms set out above. A copy of the Club's constitution will be available on request.

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